Riaz Uddin Ahmed

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Mr. Riaz Uddin Ahmed, a Sponsor Director of Karnaphuli Insurance Co. Ltd. comes from a well educated and Industrialist family. He obtained his BBA degree from Sunway College, a renowned educational Institute of Kualalampur  and Malaysia with distinction. 
A well experienced entrepreneur Mr. Riaz Uddin Ahmed believes in innovation and creativity, As such he also encompass in Meghna Life Insurance Co. Ltd. as its Director. He is also a Vice Chairman of Meghna Life Securities and Investment Limited. A very capable insurance personality Mr. Ahmed attended many Seminars, Symposium, Conferences and Summit in Bangladesh and abroad. His knowledge driven suggestion and guidance in the capacity of a Director of both Karnaphuli Insurance Co. Ltd. and Meghna Life Insurance Co. Ltd. up lift to a reasonable height.
A valiant social worker Mr. Riaz Uddin Ahmed visited India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.